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External Work

External links featuring various projects I've worked on as well as articles I've written and talks I've presented.

A New Model for International, Privacy-Preserving Data Science

A New Model for International, Privacy-Preserving Data Science

A presentation I gave at the PEPR 2024 conference on a project to enable privacy-preserving data science between national statistical organizations.

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Awesome PETs

Awesome PETs

A curated list of resources for privacy-enhancing technologies

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Creating a Client-Side Model Card Generator

Creating a Client-Side Model Card Generator

A technical blog post for the model card generator feature

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Model Card Generator

Model Card Generator

A client-side generator for machine learning model cards.

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Announcing the 2023 xD Emerging Technology Fellows

Announcing the 2023 xD Emerging Technology Fellows

This is a news piece on the xD website presenting my cohort of emerging technology fellows.

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How to audit an AI model owned by someone else (part 1)

How to audit an AI model owned by someone else (part 1)

I was a coauthor on a tutorial detailing how to remotely audit AI models using OpenMined's library Syft.

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Hack Days at Mode

Hack Days at Mode

I wrote a piece for Mode's engineering blog on the company's hackathons.

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d3.js Meetup Talk: A Pseudorandom Walkthrough of d3-random

d3.js Meetup Talk: A Pseudorandom Walkthrough of d3-random

I presented a walkthrough of the d3-random module of the popular JavaScript data-visualization library. This was a talk with the Bay Area d3 meetup group in 2018.

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